Saturday, June 4, 2011

Got Acne? Grab Some Veggies

Most of us are aware of the fact that we eat poorly.  Even those of us that think we do a pretty good job of it would really be surprised with the amount of fast food and sugar that we eat if we really took the time to stop and think about it.  It seems as though some people are able to get away with doing things like this, but the simple fact of the matter is, it is affecting them the same as it is affecting us.  The real difference is that it may be displaying itself in the form of acne for us, but for them it may be an underlying problem that will not show up for years.

If you want to clear up your problem skin, you need to work on the inside of your body first and then work on the outside of your body.  As a matter of fact, if you clean the inside, the outside may just follow along without any work on your part at all.  The easiest way for you to be able to do this is change the way that you eat.  Although this can be a little bit difficult, changing to a diet that is high in raw fruits and vegetables is going to do a lot to change your complexion and many other things in your life.

If you are able, you may want to actually go a period of time where you are eating nothing but raw fruits and vegetables.  This will make an amazing difference in you, but there is something that you should realize.  Raw food is detoxing and it is going to help you to release a lot of the toxins that have been built up in your body for quite some time.  Unfortunately, if you detox to quickly you may actually end up with more acne for a period of time.  It is up to you whether you are willing to put up with this at first, just for the benefit of getting rid of the acne altogether quickly.

Many people find the transition to raw food to be a difficult one.  It is always a good idea if you add food into your diet instead of taking it away.  For example, add a bowl of fruit to your breakfast and a salad to both your lunch in your dinner.  Snack on raw food throughout the day in order to keep your energy levels up.  You would be surprised with how quickly this clears your skin.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Herbal Remedies For Acne Relief

If you have to deal with problem skin, you no doubt have looked into the variety of different methods that are used in order to treat it.  Unfortunately, many of these things are pharmaceutical in nature and they do little more than treat the symptoms, but they allow the problem that is underneath the symptoms to continue.  It is always a good idea to treat something naturally if you're able to do so, and there are plenty of natural methods of healing acne that have been used successfully in the past.

Although it is always a good idea to make sure that you are eating the proper diet, getting some exercise and drinking plenty of water. There are also some herbal supplements that you can take which will help things along.  The one thing that you need to keep in mind whenever you are doing any kind of herbal supplementation for natural healing is that you need to be persistent and patient with the treatment.  Typically, the problems that we have do not show up overnight and we cannot necessarily expect a natural treatment to take care of them overnight either.  It is really just a matter of cleaning out our body and bringing it back into balance through the use of these herbal supplements so make sure that you aren't expecting immediate results, although results will come.

Tea tree oil and lavender are two things that have been used successfully by those that are suffering from acne.  Each of these have antiseptic properties and you can apply them directly to the skin, although you should dilute the tea tree oil a little bit before applying it.  A lot of people include these in their natural acne treatment regime on a daily basis, especially for spot treatment of breakouts.  A little bit of caution should be taken, however, because overuse of this herb can dry your skin out.

Green tea is something else that is excellent for your overall health and your skin as well.  It has been used in Asia for thousands of years because of its healing properties and you can use it as well to help clear your skin.  It is one of the most powerful antioxidants that occurs in nature and can really help to clean you on the inside which will show through on the outside.  Not only that, many individuals enjoy the taste of green tea so brew yourself a couple of cups on a daily basis and enjoy the healing effects that you'll receive.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hormones And Acne

Let's talk about hormones and acne. How do you think these two totally separate entities are related? Well, it's rather simple actually. Your hormones tend to go a little crazy at times, and this can mean that the oil pumps in your skin do too. They suddenly start pumping out oodles of oil, which then clogs the pores and leads to breakouts. Yikes! That's never fun. Then you're spending loads of your time and money struggling to suppress the breakouts. After all, no one wants to show their faces in public with pimples and zits all over it. It's plain and simply humiliating, and does a horrible number on the self-esteem. Am I right here or what? So, what can one do to squelch this issue? 

I'm not going to lie...most of us grapple with hormones and acne. Try about 80 percent of the population. The other 20 percent may never acquire a pimple in their lives. Yeah, you pretty much hate those folks with a passion, don't you? That's understandable. I can't say that I understand the scheme of things myself. Why couldn't God simply have created mankind without any skin afflictions? Oh well, there's no use complaining about hormones and acne. It certainly won't clear up your skin. Anyway, when it comes to the burden of hormones and acne, you can basically expect the bomb to drop on you in your teen years. I recall the first time I ever got a zit. I was 14 years old and it was on my chin. I remember gazing into the mirror and cringing. The war had begun. There was me the hero, and zits were the enemy. Heck, they could make a movie about it. Okay, that may be a boring flick. Regardless, I tried everything in the book to beat blemishes back. First it was rubbing alcohol, and then it was Clearasil and Oxy 10. There was no stopping me. However it wasn't until age 19 that I really found a product that worked. For me it was just Neutrogena face wash and an acne moisturizer. That did the trick. What acne remedies work best for you and your complexion? 

Well, if you're concerned about hormones and acne, I suggest that you get the scoop on some new products. In addition to all the creams, gels and facial cleansers, there is also something natural. These days you can tackle hormones and acne with natural oral supplements. Get on the web to find out more.